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About us

Does F&W Networks sell broadband packages?
F&W Networks provides the high-speed infrastructure for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to connect homes and businesses with gigafast full-fibre. You can view our connectable areas here to see which ISP partners are available in your neighbourhood.
Who is F&W Networks?
F&W Networks is a network provider established in 2019. Along with our internet service provider partners, we have built and continue to build gigabit-capable, open-access full-fibre networks primarily in Hertfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey, and West Sussex.

Building the network

I have more questions. Who can I talk to about this?
Our careline team are happy to assist if you have any questions. You can call us on 0808 168 1616, Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 17:00, or email us at info@fwnetworks.co.uk.
What is your standard for reinstatement works?
We work with the relevant local authority to ensure that any reinstatement works will be complete to the required standards and specifications. Reinstatement is one of the essential aspects of our construction process, with most work commencing just after construction. We ensure that all necessary trenches are filled and reinstated immediately to protect our network and safeguard the public.
Will you be closing roads in my community?

In most cases, we will be able to complete our construction work without closing any roads and utilise traffic management to ensure they are still operational.

If roads need to be closed, we will complete work promptly and reopen access as soon as possible.

Will the existing copper wire connection to my house be removed when the fibre cable has been installed?
F&W Networks will not remove any existing connections from your home - we will simply add our network as a further option. If you want to remove the existing copper line, we recommend contacting BT Openreach as they are the network operator for that service.
I would prefer to have my home connection in a trench underground – can you do that, please?
Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to choose how your home is connected, as our team of engineers will assess your home and decide the best way of installation.
Will you need to dig up my garden or driveway for the network to be installed on my property?
Our teams will not disturb anything on your property during the construction work phase, as most homes can be served aerially by a nearby pole using a small black connection box placed on the property boundary or a nearby utility pole. If your premise needs a connection via the underground network, our engineers will walk you through the proposed route to decide what will work best for you. If we need to dig on your property, we will ensure we reinstate the area quickly to the highest possible quality. Installation: Once you sign up to be part of the network through one of our trusted partners, our installers will work with you to agree on the best installation route to connect your property, reinstating everything as it was before completion.
Will I have access to get in and out of my house whilst construction is taking place?
During construction, our team may need to dig a narrow trench in the pavement outside your home, but they will always ensure that you can access your property. If you have any questions or concerns, the team onsite will be happy to help.
What time of the day does construction work take place?

Our teams will do everything they can to keep disruption to a minimum, working hours agreed with the local authority, with no loud work starting before 8am.

What will happen during the build?
To minimise disruption and complete works as quickly as possible, we use a wide range of modern construction methods and use existing underground ducts wherever possible. In most cases, we typically work no more than two to three days outside each property.
When will you build in our area?
Whilst we roll out our fibre network as quickly as possible, some areas will be available before others. You will receive a letter informing you of when the building will commence in your area.


Who do I contact if I have problems with my full-fibre service after installation?
If you have any questions or experience problems with your connection, you need to contact your ISP customer service team. They will conduct the initial checks and contact us should a fault require an engineer to fix a break in the network. Typically, we endeavour to repair any network issue within 48 hours, including breaks in the fibre.
I'm a tenant. Can I still get connected if I don't own my property?
Even if you don't own your property, you can still get connected, but we will need written permission from your landlord. Your ISP will support you in getting the necessary authorisations from your landlord before booking your installation.
How long does installation take?
Your ISP will tell you the availability and completion time of your installation, which will vary depending on your provider.
Who completes the work needed to install my property?

The ISP that you have signed up with for your service will be the one installing the connection to your property.

How do I book my installation?
Once the network at your property is ready for connection, we will work with our ISP partners to arrange and complete your broadband installation. If you have ordered a service, your installation booking will be part of your order placement with your provider.
How do you get the fibre to my house?
We will not install anything at your property until you have decided to take up a service. On most occasions for us to connect your address, we will run a fibre cable from our active cabinet to your street using existing underground ducts or utility poles for aerial connections. If neither of these options is viable, we may need to dig a narrow trench to connect your property. Work typically lasts around two to three days outside each property.
How can I place an order?
You will first need to check if our full-fibre network is available in your area – you can do this here. If our services are available in your area, you can view the details of our ISP partners here, and they can talk you through your options and arrange to get you connected. If our services are not yet available in your area, you can register your interest here, and we will be in contact with you when your property can connect to full-fibre.
Can I keep my existing broadband supplier?

If your existing broadband service uses copper lines (ADSL), you will need to switch to a fibre internet provider.

We operate open-access fibre networks, which means you will have a choice of service providers when full-fibre is available at your home.

Currently, we have three internet service provider partners and will be adding more to our network in the future.

When will the service be available?
We are active in many areas within the South of England - register your interest here to keep up to date on when we are coming to your neighbourhood. You can also get in touch with our team by emailing info@fwnetworks.co.uk or by calling 0808 168 1616, and one of our team would be more than happy to help.